Quality control is a routine part of our day.

Meeting industry standards can be challenging when it comes to odd shaped showers, but we have a bit of experience and a few neat solutions to solving problems. Custom made shower bases are our specialty.

Como calzar paredes usando Built With Foam calzas.

Esta es una manera fácil de aprender, rápida, confiable y repetible de colocar los montantes de la pared perfectamente a plomo y planos antes de instalar los paneles de la pared. Originalmente desarrollados para preparar duchas, también se pueden usar para calzar techos, así como también como medidores de profundidad para compuestos autonivelantes en pisos.…

How to shim walls using Built With Foam shims

This is an easy to learn, quick, reliable, and repeatable way to get your wall studs perfectly plumb and flat before installing your wall panels. Originally developed to prep showers, they can also be used for shimming ceilings, as well as depth gauges for self leveling compounds on flooring. Each shim kit averages over 900…

Complex custom shower bases made every day

Odd shapes are no problem for the crew at BuiltWithFoam.com This shower base is actually 40 sf, and sloped perfectly down to the linear drain. Now on its way to Roman Kulik along with some Rapid Recess kits. Can’t wait to see the finished pictures.

Multi sloped shower pan for penny rounds

Penny rounds are tough enough. This 7 sided, multi sloped shower floor will be much easier to tile with a level perimeter around the linear drain section and a single slope down from the entry. Hopefully the installer will send finished pictures.