Shower Curb

$1.50 / in. (Trade)

Built With Foam curbs have a 2% sloped top toward the drain with an arrow printed on the top for direction. If you have more than one curb section, a well worded description or drawing will ensure the miters are on the correct ends. Our standard curbs are 4.5 inches wide and 5 inches tall. Questions? Simply email us at!

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SKU: Shower Curb Category:

Built With Foam curbs have a 2% sloped top toward the drain with an arrow printed on the top for direction. If you have more than one curb section, a well worded description or drawing will ensure the miters are on the correct ends. Our standard curbs are 4.5 inches wide and 5 inches tall. Our foam products are custom manufactured per your specifications, meaning no job-site adjustments are needed. That’s right, you can waterproof and flood test on the same day, then install in minutes.While it is very lightweight EPS is also the densest, firmest foam available, works with any manufacturer’s waterproofing system or drain. EPS is also ant- and termite-resistant, and cuts with simple tools already on-site. Questions? Simply email us at!

All products must be installed according to Built With Foam's installation instructions, ANSI specifications, and the current year’s TCNA handbook standards. All products installed in wet or exterior locations must be waterproofed. Each Built With Foam product is custom and made-to-order based on your specifications. Therefore, please double check your measurements before submitting them. We will also provide your written specifications in your receipt. If you notice an issue after submitting your order, please contact us as soon as possible at

Additional information

Weight 0.04 lbs